Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
When a baby is conceived, stem cells give rise to every cell and tissue in the body. These cells then remain within the body throughout a lifetime. Stem cells are the basic building blocks of human tissue and have the ability to repair, rebuild, and rejuvenate tissues in the body. When a disease or injury strikes, stem cells respond to specific signals and set about to facilitate the healing process by differentiating into specialized cells required for the body’s repair. They release healing growth factors in response to a distress cell signal in an injured or pathologic area of the body.
No long-term negative side effects or risks have been reported. The side effects of umbilical cord derived stem cell therapies are rare and may include but are not limited to: infection, minor bleeding at the treatment site, and localized pain. These side effects typically last no longer than 24 hours.
Since each condition and patient is unique, there is no guarantee of how fast the results will be achieved. According to patient feedback, most patients report results within a few days; however, it may take as long as six to nine months.
Yes. The presence of live nucleated cells means the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory components from the MSCs will continue to be produced for many weeks and months, optimizing the injured environment. At the same time, the growth factors, proteins, and cytokines produced by the mononucleated cells will stimulate our own endogenous tissue to repair and regenerate itself.
No. Live nucleated cells from umbilical cord blood are young, vibrant cells that have not been affected by age or disease. Whereas bone marrow aspirate and adipose derived stem cells are significantly older and potentially damaged by disease, a high number replications throughout a lifetime, toxins like sunlight, alcohol, medications and smoking.
YES. We inject the cells into the desired area the same way as any other injection. The only difference is in the preparation and our use of precision guided ultrasound, which allows us to inject precisely into the affected tissues. Research has shown cells begin to die within minutes of being thawed, so we are expeditious with the injection process.
Since each condition and patient is unique, there is no guarantee of how fast the results will be achieved. According to patient feedback, most patients report results within a few days; however, it may take as long as six to nine months.
Yes, age definitely matters. In Vitro research by the International Journal of Molecular Sciences has shown that while young, vibrant umbilical cord stem cells can duplicate themselves every 22-28 hours, for up to 65 generations or more, 50+ year old bone marrow aspirate and adipose derived stem cells duplicate at a much slower rate of 3 to 5 days for an average of only 11 to 13 generations. Also of note is that older cells undergo senescence (aging) at a much faster rate than young, vibrant umbilical cord cells and older senescent cells produce less quantities and less effective growth factors, proteins, and cytokines.
Most patients experience no downtime whatsoever; however, if your work requires you to do activities that are damaging or traumatic to the tissue that was treated, you may need to refrain from those activities. If you are participating in a sport or activity that is damaging to the tissue being treated, we will likely ask you to refrain for a period of 4-6 weeks. For example, if you are a tennis player and we treat your knee, you would need to refrain from playing tennis for 4-6 weeks.
Local anesthetics may be used to numb the needle pathway; however, we do NOT want to infuse large amounts of any local anesthetic into the joint or area being treated. We rarely use local anesthetics because the pinch of the anesthetic stick is very similar to the pinch associated with the actual injection. Most people have little to no issue with the actual procedure without anesthetic. When we treat intradiscally (injection inside the intervertebral disc) we typically give a mild sedative prior to the procedure.
When umbilical cord cells are placed into an environment of injured tissue, the stem cells go to work inhibiting the damaging inflammatory components and modulating the immune system. At the same time, the mononucleated cells produce growth factors that nourish damaged cells back to health and stimulate our own cells to regenerate themselves.
Not every person is the same. Obviously that possibility exists and that’s why we take our patients through our advanced assessment so we can carefully determine if you are one of those special cases. It is important to understand that once a joint regenerates, there would be no need for further treatment unless a new injury occurred or over-time,that joint degenerated again. For many degenerative joint conditions and soft tissue tears, we anticipate needing to treat just once in a patient’s lifetime if no new injury traumatizes the joint following treatment.
Every person is unique and would require a one on one consultation with the provider to see if you are a candidate. The good news is, we’ve made it a goal to never let price get in the way of your health. If together we find regenerative therapy is right for you, and will improve your quality of life, there are several flexible payment options available.
Various factors will determine the outcome of your Regenerative Cell Therapy treatment, such as the extent of damage, disease and the location being treated. Most people respond well to this therapy option and experience relief from pain in just a short period of time. For instance, this therapy has been known provide full relief to patients after only one treatment.
No. HLA matching is not necessary for the Liveyon product because HLA-DR, the component responsible for a negative reaction, is below measurable amounts. Even in the 1990s, when HLA-DR extraction techniques were far less efficient than they are today, negative HLA-DR reactions were not commonly seen.
Our Regenerative Stem Cell Treatment is a revolutionary breakthrough treatment option for people suffering from inflammation, reduced mobility, sports injuries, tissue and ligament damage, or chronic pain. Regenerative Cell Therapy is an injectable solution, that often times leaves the patient feeling relief after only ONE treatment. This cutting edge treatment takes the best components from all the current non-invasive treatment options and puts them into one. Currently we offer treatments utilizing:
- Adipose tissue collection: Adipose stem cells are derived by removing a small amount of adipose tissue (fat) from the area just above the love handles or abdomen.
- Bone marrow collection: Bone marrow cells are from your pelvis then placed in a centrifuge causing the stem cells and growth factors to be extracted from the bone marrow and used for treatment.
- Amniotoic membrane allograft: This Regenerative Cell Treatment is collected from mother’s who have donated their placental tissue after delivering a child by c-section birth.
No, there is not an age limit. Patients of all ages can potentially benefit from stem cell treatments.
No. The Wellness Firm utilizes pure human umbilical cord stem cells, which is the most advanced stem cell product available. Published research reveals stem cells from the umbilical cord replicate faster and replicate for many more generations than other types of stem cells. Umbilical cord stem cells also have a higher level of pluripotency than mature adult stem cells helping the body regenerate lost tissue like cartilage, muscle and soft tissue faster and more effectively.
Generally, the repair process begins immediately and the good news is that it can continue to repair for up to eight additional months from the date of the initial procedure.
NO. We only use the umbilical cord from a live, healthy baby.
Yes. Stem cells have the ability duplicate themselves in the body. There is some debate on this topic and this debate is one that is very difficult to prove or disprove, but most medical doctors and scientists agree that this action must account for the tremendous regeneration that can follow an injection.
Like any other procedure there is no 100% guarantee. In certain cases, it is possible that you may need additional treatments or your stem cells do not have enough repair potential relative to the severity of your disease.
Unfortunately insurance and Medicare do not cover stem cell therapy (yet). We have made this treatment option extremely affordable because of this.
The product utilized is an amniotic membrane injectable categorized as Human Cells, Tissues and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products (HCT/P’s) under Section 361. Currently, the FDA regulates all biological regenerative products under this Section. Moreover, under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) and 42 CFR part 493, all contracted laboratories performing human specimen tests are certified and meet the requirements as determined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The product is current in the FDA Establishment Registration and Listing of Human Cells, Tissues and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products (HCT/P).
The umbilical cord is processed in the hospital according to the rules and regulations of the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB). Approximately 4 weeks prior to a scheduled caesarean section, the mother’s OB/GYN asks her if she would like to keep and store her unborn child’s umbilical cord for future use. If the mother declines, she is asked if she would like to donate the umbilical cord. If she agrees, she undergoes a review of her medical history, social history, and a blood test. If she is deemed an acceptable donor according to prevailing rules of the AATB, then, at the time of her caesarean section, an experienced technician will clamp the umbilical cord, take it to a sterile room, and remove the contents of the umbilical cord and place it into a blood bag. The bag of umbilical cord blood is then delivered to the lab for processing. Once at the lab, a sample of the umbilical cord blood is sent to a 3rd party independent FDA registered lab for testing according to United States Pharmacopoeia rule 71 (U.S.P. 71), which is a test for all known communicable diseases. While that test is taking place, the stem cells are then processed and removed from the red blood cell products. A sample of the finished stem cell product is then sent to a different 3rd party independent FDA registered lab for sterility testing and for the absence of HLA-DR markers. Only after both lab reports come back as “clean” and the stem cells have passed the regulatory requirements, are the processed umbilical cord stem cells available for distribution.
or Get Started Now by Calling: (409) 550-4376

Take back control of your Pain with Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy
If chronic knee, back, hip, shoulder pain, osteoarthritis, arthritis or other joint pain is limiting your daily routine or preventing you from activities you enjoy; stem cell therapy may be the answer you’ve been looking for!
Regenerative stem cell therapy offers exciting, long-term relief for people that are suffering from joint pain, arthritis, and neuropathy. The procedure takes less than 30 minutes with minimal pain and is extremely safe and effective. You can use the power of regenerative medicine to heal your body and return to the life and activities you love.