Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research

Is There Research Showing Stem Cell Therapy Actually Works?

Stem cell therapy has recently garnished attention in the media because of the success it is having both nationally and internationally–in and out of the lab–but stem cells have been used by surgeons and doctors for more than 20 years. Plastic surgeons and ophthalmologists have used them for different procedures with success. As a matter of fact, more than 100,000 injections have been performed in the US without a single reported adverse side effect.

Stem Cells Offer Curative Treatment Potential

Stem cells can change into any type of tissue found in joints including cartilage, ligament, tendon, bone or muscle. (The only tissue they can’t become is nerve tissue.) These capabilities make stem cell therapy a curative treatment option–once your joint is healed it’s healed. The oldest research to date shows that 100 percent of stem cell therapy recipients were still pain free four years later.

Well-Researched Safe and Effective

The healthcare community has benefited from the tissue regeneration outcomes in specialties such as surgery, orthopedics, pain management, burn care, eye, as well as dental. More recently, Podiatric Physicians have been effectively applying these allografts to patients with diabetic foot ulcers. These treatments are yielding paradigm-shifting outcomes for their patients.

Stem cell injections have been growing in popularity over the past few decades Research and development have increased opportunities and discovered a variety of ground-breaking applications.

Explore the research and articles below involving the use of stem cells and how they play an impactful role in the future of regenerative medicine.


  • Cartilage and joint function improvement
    Over 20 clinical studies or case studies in the peer-reviewed scientific literature all demonstrating that stem cells may regenerate tissue, improve function, reduce pain and improve the quality of life for those suffering from orthopedic problems.
  • Fracture repair
    Stem cell therapies have shown to be highly successful in the treatment of bone fractures. One review reports injections of stem cells achieving 75% union over 14 weeks in one case, and 88% union over four months in another in patients with non-union bone fractures.
  • Arthritis
    Regenerative medicine therapies utilize the anti-inflammatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells to alleviate inflammation-related osteoarthritis (OA) pain. In a 2011 study, for example, patients with severe OA were injected with mesenchymal stem cells and found they were able to walk longer without pain and climb a greater number of stairs after treatment. A follow-up study five years later showed that improvements had decreased, but that the knee that had received stem cell treatment was still better than at baseline. There are many other studies similar to this all supporting the notion that stem cells may be beneficial in treating arthritic conditions. 

Industry Spotlight:

Growth Factors and Components:

Anti-fibrosis Functions:

Anti-microbial Properties:

Immune Evasive and Immune Privileged Properties:

Pain Management and Anti-inflammatory Properties:

Joints and Cartilage:

National Institute of Health Supports the Research and Use of Stem Cells

According to the National Institute of Health, “Stem cells, directed to differentiate into specific cell types, offer the possibility of a renewable source of replacement cells and tissues to treat diseases including macular degeneration, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.” The excitement around stem cells is their potential for treating common diseases like diabetes and heart disease because of their regenerative abilities.

How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work?

Stem cell therapy leverages your body’s ability to repair and heal itself. With stem cell therapy, your doctor injects stem cells into your body. (Not unlike receiving a cortisone or steroid shots).  Stem cell injections have anti-inflammatory properties and offering you even more benefits than your standard injection therapies. Cortisone and other drugs can provide you with temporary pain relief, but stem cells actually restore your degenerated tissue WHILE providing pain relief.  Following an injection, stem cells remain in the injured area for up to 24 months, constantly dividing and building new tissue. Stem cell injections contain hyaluronic acid, which lubricates joints and tendons, relieving your pain and restoring your mobility.

Stem Cell Therapy –  Still Evolving

Stem cell therapy and research is still growing and evolving as scientists learn more and more about cells, regeneration and how to use cells for cell-based therapies to treat disease. Scientists use stem cells in the laboratory to screen new drugs and to create model systems to evaluate normal growth and discover the causes of birth defects. As technology and science continue to progress together, it is exciting to imagine where stem cells will take us in the coming years. The National Institute of Health stated that stem cells are promising candidates for tissue engineering and stem cell therapy of several human disorders. The best way you can learn more about the research and findings of stem cell therapy is to schedule a free consultation with a medical provider near you.  Learn about the amazing potential of stem cells and if you are a candidate for stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritis in Beaumont Texas by Mary Ann Butler ANP-C

Take back control of your Pain with Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy

If chronic knee, back, hip, shoulder pain, osteoarthritis, arthritis or other joint pain is limiting your daily routine or preventing you from activities you enjoy; stem cell therapy may be the answer you’ve been looking for!

Regenerative stem cell therapy offers exciting, long-term relief for people that are suffering from joint pain, arthritis, and neuropathy. The procedure takes less than 30 minutes with minimal pain and is extremely safe and effective. You can use the power of regenerative medicine to heal your body and return to the life and activities you love.


7770 Gladys, Ste B, Beaumont, TX 77706

Phone: (409) 730-7005